Tuesday, 23 October 2012


Laurie Spiegel's 1980 record 'The Expanding Universe' has just been re-released. If you have any interest in electronic music I would recommend giving it a listen. Laurie has been involved in pioneering electronic and computer music since the 1970s, working with Buchla and Bell laboratories amongst many. I first heard her on OHM: The Early Gurus of Electronic Music compilation (a great tasting menu for anyone wanting to tune in to the pioneers) a few years ago - it is music best listened to extremely loudly. Additional info: Her music was used on the Voyager in 1977 and in the Hunger Games in 2012. Therefore her music straddles the ages.


  1. Hi, that's not Laurie Spiegel in the top photo. It's since been circulating as one. Can you please remove it or switch it out?

  2. Thanks for the heads up! I've removed the image. Apologies
